Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just Your Regular Garden-Variety Day in London--Day 20

Because today was Tuesday, I spent the better part of it at Heythrop attending my classes. None of this is dreadfully interesting, but I just want to share with you some upcoming activities that I am particularly excited about. First of all, I paid just 10 pounds to get a ticket to see the Fulham Football Club play on October 23rd. It should be a really interesting experience. I really like soccer, especially after following the 2010 World Cup last summer. I also found out that we are going to Stonehenge/Salisbury on October 14th. Finally, in British Art History, I am working with two other girls on a presentation about Tudor art throughout England. Each of the groups was assigned a specific area, and we chose Hampton Court Palace in Surrey. It's about a 45 minute train ride away, so that is what we are going to do for the day on Saturday! I am very excited because Hampton Court Palace has wonderful gardens (yay term paper material!) and an infamous hedge maze, not to mention a sumptuous chapel (those terms seem at odds...) and the lovely bedchambers of monarchs past. The palace is also the topic of a presentation that I have to do for History of London, so I will effectively be killing two birds with one stone. Awesome!

Oh, and I thought you would enjoy these pictures of me taken by other people on the London trip. :)

Having a delicious time at Snog!

My friend's caption read, "Hannah! In a pathway! Because we can!" (at Oxford)
 P.S. I'm headed to the Tower of London tomorrow! I hope I don't lose my head!


  1. Your upcoming events sound wonderful; I am going to Google the Hampton Court Palace to see what's happening.

    I liked the picture of you at Oxford on the path (just because you can!). You are certainly gaining lots of knowledge about England. Can't wait until the Scotland trip.

    Love you,
    Grandma "C"

  2. Looking good-because you always do! Upcoming adventures sound great.
