Thursday, October 6, 2011

Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort--Day 36

Today we went to the Victoria and Albert Museum to look at decorative arts. We saw a wide variety of very nice pieces, including silver and gold plates, cups, bowls, and trays in addition to jeweled snuffboxes, ceramic objects, glass, and some awesome dog portraits by Sir Edwin Landseer. I also really enjoyed the Baroque sculptures because there is just so much action in them; they look completely different at each 90 degree turn. The museum also had some nice pieces made of semiprecious stones, and being the rock geek that I am, I just ate that stuff up. The silver station had some fun interactive aspects, such as making your own rubbing from an engraving and pressing your own silver disk with the emblem of the museum (for just 10p). Unfortunately, the jewelry section was closed when we were there (it didn't open until 2 PM, and we had to leave by noon because one of my friends had class at 2). But maybe I will go back later and see that part. The things that we did see were pretty impressive. I was amazed at the sheer volume of pieces in that museum (as well as its huge size). I think I am all ready to go treasure hunting in Notting Hill on Saturday!

The front of the Victoria and Albert Museum. We got there right as it was opening!

My very own souvenir from the Victoria and Albert Museum.
 I really loved the dog portraits because Landseer paints such wonderful personalities into his subjects. It made me miss my own dog and also appealed generally to the dog lover in me. One portrait was all nobleness and strength, another sad and touching, and another silly and cute. In short, there were as many doggy personalities on display as we usually see in portraits of humans!

Probably the coolest thing I saw at the museum, though, was this magnificent chandelier. When I first saw it, I thought, "Hmm. That's funny. That looks really familiar." It kind of reminded me of the big sun sculpture hanging from the ceiling in the entrance of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. When I got back home, I looked up the artist, whose name happens to be Dale Chihuly. Long story short, it turns out that he did BOTH! Imagine my surprise! I never thought to find such a taste of home here. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen the "Sunburst," and I always associate it with the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. I just thought that was so interesting.

Dale Chihuly's chandelier in the foyer of the V&A.
"Sunburst" at the MIA. Home sweet Minneapolis! Photo courtesy of
 That was really the only exciting thing that happened today. Tomorrow is our trip to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew! Hopefully there will be some nice fall colors out there, and it will make the gardens even more beautiful than I know they will be. I am very excited! This trip will provide some really nice fodder for my term paper, as well as being a lovely start to my Friday. Thanks for reading, and tune in tomorrow for a recap of the gardens!


  1. Oh, what a wonderful excursion to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum; it's such a lovely site, but then, many historical places in London are. I especially like the Dale Chihuly pieces and I know you were nostalgic when seeing his art. Good eye to put it all together.

    The dog pictures sound wonderful and I know they all have personalities just like humans.

    Looking forward to your Royal Botanic Gardens pictures.

    Love you,
    Grandma "C"

  2. So much to see and do! The dog portraits were wonderful, I'm sure.
    Have a great trip to the gardens!
