Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Preparations--Day 69

This morning, I took my British Politics final. We had an hour-and-a-half to complete two essays. We were allowed to make outlines for our essays and use them on the exam. Even so, I found myself running out of time to write down everything that I wanted to say. I had to cut out bits here and there so that I spent about 45 minutes on each essay and got down the most important things before time ran out. Overall, I think I did a pretty good job. I'm hoping that our final grades for the term will be up soon because I don't like having those I's on my transcript (even though no one will notice but me).

I also started packing today, mainly focusing on the items that I really don't need today, tomorrow, or Thursday morning. It feels weird to be packing because it's still strange to be leaving. Much like how I couldn't believe I was going to London until I was at the airport, I can't really believe that I am going home until I head out the door with my suitcases and make my way to South Kensington to catch the train to Heathrow.

Today is my friend Kayla's birthday, and she is celebrating by taking a day trip to Warwick Castle, where they have sort of a Renaissance fair atmosphere (she is really into J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis). I really hope she has a good time. We are planning to celebrate with a cake later in the evening. :)

Tomorrow is our final lunch at a traditional British restaurant called Maggie Jones's. Afterward, we are going to finally see Westminster Cathedral from the inside. I will then need to finish packing, return my cell phone to T-Mobile, and print my boarding pass. My friends and I also want to go to Snog one last time before we leave. It should be a busy but productive last full day in London. I'm really going to miss this place, but there are so many good and exciting things waiting for me at home, too. I miss the open spaces and the room to move. I feel horrible for saying it, but I can't help it. The British have the tightest living spaces in Europe, and I can't undo 20 years of living in America in just 10 weeks. I'm also looking forward to lower prices and to being back at Augie again, where I am fortunate enough to be able to continue cooking for myself and saving money that way. Well, that's all for the second-to-last post from London. Have a great evening, and I can't wait to tell you about the grand finale tomorrow.


  1. Winding down and packing up; aghhhh! Please have an enjoyable and fun-packed grand finale on Wednesday. I know this has been a great adventure for you and you will carry many fond memories with you forever but, like it's been said, "I'll be back!"

    Coming home, seeing family, and returning to Augie where your continuing adventures await you will be exciting, too.

    Love you,
    Grandma "C"

  2. One last comment before you leave Merry old England. Thank you for sharing your London life
    with us. Always remember how much we love you.
    Safe Journey home.

  3. I am sad for you and all of us that have read along on this journey-it's been grand! We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Thank you so much for sharing, Hannah.
    Wishing you a safe and smooth trip home.
    We love you!
