Monday, October 24, 2011

The Bookworm--Day 54

Alas, today was not very exciting. I did my laundry, went grocery shopping, and revised a couple of papers. I also finally got around to vacuuming our floor. It looks spectacular now, if I do say so myself (I'm hoping Lauren will notice and congratulate me, although I think I have enough self-congratulation for the both of us). These activities consumed most of the morning and early afternoon, so unfortunately, I finished them a little too late in the day to warrant going anywhere major (like a museum). As such, I contented myself with a trip to Waterstone's (again) to check out the clearance section, which I had missed a couple of days ago in my eagerness to get my hands on more of those Hamlyn cookbooks. I didn't really find anything interesting. The books were discounted for a reason.

After Waterstone's, I stopped at Waitrose because I realized after my morning grocery shopping that I had forgotten to buy olive oil for the week. This may not seem like such a big deal, but when olive oil makes up a good 10% of your blood supply, it's pretty intense when you run out. I also wanted to pick up some peanut butter because it's great for protein and for late-night snacks after dinner (so I can use up the slices of bread that I would otherwise just throw away). But mostly the former. Like many daughters, I have found that my mother is right 99% of the time. She told me that I should always have a little protein with every meal (she also told me never to pass up an opportunity to pee, which I have never since ignored). I have tried to follow her advice, and I have had the good fortune never to be anemic, which for some reason I always worry about.

Meanwhile, I am practically freaking out because I have only 17 days left in London and so much left to do. I honestly don't know how I'm going to be able to fit it all in (I probably won't, as I told you before). It's been so unreal. I know I keep saying it, but it really bears repeating.

Well, that's all for now, ladies and gents. Tomorrow I have my politics class, and I really hope that we get our papers back so that I can see how I did! I think my friends are going to the zoo, and I wish I could go along, too, but they want to go in the morning and don't really have any other time that works for most of us except Tuesday. I guess I shouldn't be too broken up. The admission price is well over 15 pounds, and I'm just not prepared to pay that much for something I have back in the States. Plus, I get my animal fill pretty much every day because there are so many dogs here! I also get to Skype my parents tomorrow, so that's always exciting. Stay fabulous out there.


  1. Time is winding down fast...we will all miss London!

  2. Ah, the good advice of mothers; so glad you are heeding your mom's advice because she is pretty smart (she gets it from her mother)!

    November will soon be here and I know you will miss England, but we will be glad to have you back in the States.

    Good job on vacuuming the floor.

    Love you,
    Grandma "C"
