Saturday, September 10, 2011

Back in Business--Day Ten (Part 1)

HURRAH! I have a digital camera again. This morning, I decided to swallow my fear and go it alone to the local Jacobs to buy a new digital camera. It only cost me about 50 pounds ($80), which really isn't bad, especially considering the fact that the US dollar has been gaining value on the pound for about a week now (down to $1.59 per pound from $1.62 per pound). I know it doesn't sound like much of a gain, but to me it is a good sign. It is obviously very basic, but it is what I can afford. Plus, since it's brand new, and I paid for it, it is completely mine and will probably last me a long time (provided I don't drop it). So, please celebrate this momentous occasion with me: the return of Hannah-produced photography! Welcome back to a front-row seat to my experiences. I'm sorry for the lame internet photos up till now. I can assure you that the quality of my blog posts will greatly increase because of this new development. And now...the very first photo with my new camera...(You probably saw this one coming, and it's totally okay if you walk around with a bag over your head and pretend you don't know me.)

Yes, I'm just a little bit excited to have a digital camera again...


  1. Congratulations on the camera! You are such a cool lady and I love the picture of you celebrating your new purchase. I also look forward to those improved and personally taken photos of London's treasures - like the Queen's jewels - among other things!

    Love you,
    Grandma "C"

  2. you are so cute! I am glad you were able to get a camera! Please share some pictures of your flat so I can see where you are staying.
    Awaiting "Hannah-produced" photography!
    Love you!
    Auntie Sandy
