Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oh, ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road, and I'll be in Scotland afore ye.--Day 28

I can't believe it's day 28 already! That means that tomorrow, I will have been here for four weeks! It seems like such a short time but also like a really long time at the same time. I know it sounds weird, but that's how I feel.

Today was our presentation and exam in history class. I think my exam went really well. We went over some of the answers in class, and I think I only got three wrong. Plus, the test is curved, so I'm hoping no one got a perfect score. Our presentation also went pretty well. I know there were a couple of things I forgot to mention, but our professor didn't really correct us on much, so I'm guessing we did a pretty good job. My friend Sarah and my classmate Annie both assured me and my friend Amanda that we did well, especially considering we were the first ones to present AND we never got any guidelines from our professor. He let the rest of the class work on their presentations and ask him questions about it for about 15 minutest at the end of class. so Amanda and I just walked home together.

Tomorrow we set off bright and early for Scotland! I don't have much to say for today other than I got some last-minute things taken care of (packing, getting more cash) before tomorrow, so I'm all set. I walked to an ATM on the King's Road this morning because I needed to get out into the beautiful sunshine and fresh air. It was quite a nice walk, and on the way back, I had to stop and take these pictures because I just found them so adorable! They were in the window of a bookshop called The Scribbler.

Well, it's true. : )

This is me, like, every day of my life.
Oh, and I thought I'd give you an idea of what the King's Road actually looks like since I talk about it so much. This is the best picture I could get. It's so busy at any time of the day, even 11:30 on a Wednesday!

I wonder what King Charles II would think of his road now?
 I feel bad that I can't narrate my Scottish adventures as they happen. I'll have so much to share when I come back! I wish the hotel had free WiFi. But, maybe this is better. I need a few days away from technology and the corrupting influence of the internet (I always seem to get stuck on Facebook...). I'm a nature girl at heart, so I'm looking forward to getting a bit of a break from the bustling big city. On a similar note, I hope my camera has enough space for all the pictures I'll be taking. I'm used to being able to upload my pictures to my computer each night and thereby clearing the memory so that my camera is ready to take more pictures the next day. I think I'll just have to be selective when it comes to my photography and only get snapshots of the best things I see. Anyway, good night, and when you next hear from me, I will be back from Scotland and full of great stories!


  1. Loved the pictures! Am anxiously awaiting the Scotland lowdown.

    I always love your blog headings and today's was fun!

    Love you,
    Grandma "C"

  2. Loved the pictures today, Hannah!
    Way to go on the test and presentation but who doubted you?!
    Have a great time in Scotland...jealousy is rearing its ugly head again...sigh...can't wait to hear and see all about it.
    Sending (((Hugs)))
